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Lily Catherine Gayle

Miss Slidell


Miss Louisiana 2023 Contestant

We asked Lily a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana pageant that she will be competing in.

- (Pageant Realm): How did you start competing?

- (Lily):I actually started competing because a friend of mine didn't want to compete by herself! I ended up getting first runner up at my first competition and I have been hooked ever since.

- (PR): What is your Pageant talent?

- (L): I play piano.

- (PR): Tell us about your Community Service Initiative?

- (L): It is the "Lifter's Project: Worth Your Heartbeat." It is a suicide prevention program that I have created to help others understand that these big feelings and emotions don't have to be the end and that they are loved beyond measure and they are worth it.

- (PR): How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it's getting closer?

- (L): I don't let it phase me. I am going in not comparing myself to the other girls and I am going in as just Lily and going to be the best version of my real self, and going to have fun and if I walk away with the title then the Lord had it in the plans for me and I am at peace with that.

- (PR): How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana?

- (L): It's been going great, a lot of mindset work and falling in love with who I am, and believing in myself more than I ever have before. Because if I truly believe in myself, then others will too and it will create a butterfly effect. My walk will be stronger, my talent more passionate, and my interview more personable.

- (PR): What are you most excited about?

- (L): We are doing a new thing where we actually get to crown our princess, and I have two very special little girls joining me on stage and I get to crown them, it creates more of a relationship with the girls and just gives me the opportunity to make them feel like the princesses that they are.

- (PR): Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to?

- (L): If I could give everyone a shoutout, I totally would but there will never be enough space lol! I would love to thank my tanning sponsor, Mrs. Sarah from Get Your Bronze On. She has been with me for three years and I love her to death and she does such an amazing job and I always look my best!! My directors, Missy, Lindsay, and Amanda. Gosh, I love them all, we are so much fun when we get together. They tell me straight when something isn't up to par and they know I can do better but they also encourage me to be myself and they are a huge reason why I am so prepared going into the competition as just Lily. They've helped me realize that I didn't need to change, I just needed a little polishing.