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Courtney patterson - Miss Spirit of the Red & Miss Louisiana 2023 Contestant

We asked Courtney a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana pageant that she will be competing in.

- (Pageant Realm) How did you start competing?

- (Courtney) I was working at Cracker Barrel last year, as a host, and a few pageant directors asked me “Have you ever thought about competing in a pageant?” and I said, “Yes, I used to watch them all the time.” I followed up with them. I ended up competing and won my 4th preliminary competition I competed in which led me to the Miss Louisiana competition in 2022.

- (PR) What is your Pageant talent?

- (C) Lyrical/contemporary dance to Celine Dion’s “Ashes”

- (PR) Tell us about your Community Service Initiative?

- (C) My community service initiative, “A Lifetime of Community Service,” advocates for giving back and serving in the community in absolutely any way you can. In a world that highlights so many negative events, I want to show the positive and serve others. My CSI also stands for inspiring and encouraging others with everything I do.

- (PR) How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it's getting closer?

- (C) I am so excited about the competition. Miss Louisiana Week is so fun and filled with so many new experiences. I am super excited to share the experience with all the other contestants!

- (PR) How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana?

- (C) My pageant prep had been going great. The past few months have been filled with mock interviews, talent prep, and fitness prep in the gym (which I love). Most importantly, I made sure to rest and not overwork myself.

- (PR) What are you most excited about?

- (C) I am most excited about performing my talent and portraying the message that beauty can come from anything and to never give up on your dreams.

- (PR) Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to?

- (C) I would like to shout out the Miss Louisiana/America organization of course. Everyone is always so welcoming, kind, patient, and they invite you in with open arms. I would like to also shoutout everyone that bought an ad from me and every single sponsor of the Miss Louisiana organization.