Layla Massey - Miss Sportsman's Paradise Teen & Miss Louisiana Teen USA 2023 Contestant

We asked Layla a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana Teen USA pageant that she will be competing in.

- (Pageant Realm:) How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it's getting closer?

- (Layla:) I am feeling very excited! Now that all the contestants have been announced the adrenaline is starting to kick in. I cant wait to see my sister queens and meet new friends!

- (PR:) How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana USA?

- (L:) It’s been going awesome! The past month has been in overdrive and I’ve really focused on all things pageant. Ready to take that stage and work it!

- (PR:) What are you most excited about?

- (L:) I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever! So now that it’s getting really close, I literally can’t wait!

- (PR:) Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to?

- (L:) I would love to give a shout out to my family, friends and all of my amazing pageant prep team! Without them I would be lost!!!! They are the magic makers and the secret sauce behind the scenes.