Laura Russinsky - Miss Washington Parish & Miss Louisiana USA 2023 Contestant

We asked Laura a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana USA pageant that she will be competing in.

- (Pageant Realm:) How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it's getting closer?

- (Laura:) As pageant weekend creeps up on us I’m happy with how prepared I feel. I am a few final touches away from being packed and ready to go. The headshots being released is always fun for me because I love guessing who is going to compete and what titles were chosen.

- (PR:) How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana USA?

- (L:) I’ve been consistently seeing my interview and walking coach so that aspect of prep has been going well and keeping me very calm. I have been nursing a back injury so my fitness goals have been a little harder to achieve but not impossible! On the bright side it’s made me hyper aware of my posture and I’ve made better eating habits to counter my slower paced workouts.

- (PR:) What are you most excited about?

- (L:) I’m most excited for the glamour of it all! The majority of my wardrobe is athleisure - I’m figure skating coach and work at Lululemon. I especially love my evening gown so I’m ready to soak up that spotlight.

- (PR:) Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to?

- (L:) I’d like to give a huge shoutout to Gibko Landscaping and the Kojis family. Their support means everything to me. I’d also like to thank Tricia Thomas for awarding me the Washington Parish title, and The Space Yoga Studio for keeping my feet grounded and my chest proud!