Brittany Mayo - Miss CenLa & Miss Louisiana USA 2023 Contestant

We asked Brittany a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana USA pageant that she will be competing in.

- (Pageant Realm:) How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it's getting closer?

- (Brittany:) I am super excited and eager for this opportunity. I cannot wait to meet all of the extraordinary women competing alongside me in this pageant.

- (PR:) How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana USA?

- (B:) My pageant prep has been great. It has been extremely busy, a lot of hard work but very exciting. Now that my prep is coming to an end, I have learned so much about myself. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.

- (PR:) What are you most excited about?

- (B:) I am most excited to represent my community and set a positive example for my daughter. I want to show her and others that dreams do come true with hard work and determination.

- (PR:) Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to?

- (B:) I would like to acknowledge my friends, family and sponsors for their continued support and generosity. Everyone has shown me so much love and kindness. Words could not express how thankful I am but I will be eternally grateful for each and everyone of them.