Ava Watson - Miss New Orleans Teen & Miss Louisiana Teen USA 2023 Contestant

We asked Ava a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana Teen USA pageant that she will be competing in.

- (Pageant Realm:) How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it's getting closer?

- (Ava:) I’m feeling excited about the pageant! I’ve been working hard and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.

- (PR:) How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana USA?

- (A:) This is my first time competing, but I think my pageant preparation is going well. I’ve worked hard and am now just focusing on the small details and getting everything organized.

- (PR:) What are you most excited about?

- (A:) I’m the most excited about the fashion. I’ve modeled the past several years and enjoy walking the runway and all of the beautiful clothes.

- (PR:) Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to?

- (A:) My family and friends have made this opportunity possible for me. I am so grateful for them!